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When someone uses these 9 sentences in a conversation, he or she is fishing for compliments


We all know that person, right? The one who throws out comments and questions, waiting for you to shower them with praise. It’s called fishing for compliments.

There is a fine line between genuine self-doubt and a calculated tendency toward flattery. The latter can often feel insincere and frustrating to the listener.

As someone who has been on both sides of the conversation, I have picked up on certain phrases that people often use when looking for a compliment.

Take a look at these nine sentences. If they pop up during a conversation, chances are someone is fishing for compliments.

1) “I’m no expert, but…”

We’ve all heard this one before, right? Someone starts a conversation by downplaying their knowledge or skills in a certain area.

The point is that this phrase often initiates an opinion or insight that the person fully believes in and has confidence in. They just add a little self-deprecating humor to make it seem like they’re not bragging.

It’s a subtle way to fish for compliments. The hope is that you will jump in and reassure them of their expertise or skills.

Notice this sentence. If it comes up in your conversations, you may be dealing with a compliment fisher.

Remember: there is nothing wrong with giving compliments. But it is always better if they are sincere and not motivated by these types of tactics.

2) “I really messed up this time…”

Okay, let me share a personal example here. A while ago a friend of mine made a mistake at work. Nothing serious, but she did piss herself off about it.

She kept saying, “I really messed up this time…”. And every time she said it, I found myself reassuring her that it wasn’t that bad and that everyone made mistakes.

Then I realized she was fishing for compliments. By focusing on her mistake and exaggerating its impact, she encouraged me to combat her negativity with positive affirmations.

The next time you hear someone constantly emphasizing their own mistakes or failures, he or she may be looking for compliments. It’s a common tactic that you should be aware of.

3) “I never get anything right…”

When someone consistently emphasizes their shortcomings or failures, it can often be a cry for reassurance. This self-mockery is a classic example.

The speaker usually does not seek confirmation of his perceived incompetence. Instead, they hope the listener will contradict them, giving their self-esteem a much-needed boost.

Even according to psychology studies. People with low self-esteem often use fishing for compliments as a coping mechanism. They seek external validation as a way to combat their internal self-doubt.

someone drops this line when you consider that the person may be fishing for compliments, and may also be dealing with deeper self-esteem issues.

4) “I look terrible today…”

This phrase is a classic in the world of compliment fishing. It is often casually brought into conversation, almost as if it were an afterthought.

But here’s the catch: it’s usually said by someone who knows he or she looks pretty good that day. They’re just hoping you’ll jump in and reassure them that they look great.

When you hear this phrase, it’s a pretty clear sign that someone is fishing for compliments. So go ahead and give them one if you feel like it. But remember, it’s also okay to just let the comment pass.

5) “I can’t do anything right…”

Ever been in a conversation where the other person kept undermining their own capabilities? They might say something like, “I can’t do anything right…” or “I always mess up everything…”.

Often this is not a sign of true self-doubt. Instead, it’s a subtle way to prompt you to contradict them and say kind words.

It’s another phrase people often use when fishing for compliments. So the next time you hear it, keep in mind that the person may just be looking for a confidence boost.

6) “I don’t think anyone likes me…”

This is one of those sentences that can really touch your heart. When someone says, “I don’t think anyone likes me…” it can be hard not to step in and reassure them of their liking.

But it’s also an expression people often use when fishing for compliments. They hope you will contradict them and tell them how much you and others appreciate them.

Remember, it’s always good to spread positivity and make people feel appreciated. But it’s also important to recognize when someone is looking for compliments rather than expressing genuine feelings of loneliness or rejection.

7) “I’m probably the last person you want to hang out with…”

A few years ago I had a friend who said this all the time. It was always said in a joking manner, but after a while I started to see a pattern. Every time he said it, he expected me to contradict him and reassure him of his worth as a friend.

It’s another phrase that could indicate someone is fishing for compliments. They put themselves down, hoping that you can help them get back up with your reassuring words.

If you hear this phrase often, know that the speaker may simply be looking for confirmation or assurance of his worth.

8) “I’m sure you’re just saying that to be nice…”

This one is a bit tricky. It is a sentence that seems modest or humble self-effacing but it is often used when someone is fishing for compliments.

The person is essentially questioning the sincerity of your compliment, hoping that you will acknowledge it and perhaps even add a few kind words.

So, the next time someone responds to your compliment with this phrase, keep in mind that they may be fishing for a little more praise.

9) “I guess I’m just not cut out for this…”

This is often a big red flag. When someone says, “I don’t think I’m cut out for this…” they’re usually hoping you’ll contradict them and assure them of their abilities.

Please note that it is real Self-doubt can be a serious problem and it is important to support those who are struggling. But it’s also good to recognize when someone is fishing for compliments so that you can respond in a way that is both sincere and supportive.

Final thoughts: It’s about empathy

Understanding human behavior is a complex task, and it often comes down to empathy.

When it comes to fishing for compliments, it’s important to remember that we all seek validation and reassurance in different ways. Some may use self-deprecation or express doubt about their abilities as a way to seek validation from others.

While these phrases are sometimes manipulative, they can also be a sign of underlying insecurities or low self-esteem. They serve as a reminder that everyone needs a little boost every now and then.

At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to find our way in this complicated thing called life.

Health benefits of agar-agar: cancer, diabetes, uses


Agar-agar is a natural gelling agent that reduces appetite. Practical if you pay attention to your figure. It would also help transit if he is lazy. Benefits and instructions for use.

What is agar agar?

Agar-agar is messu from a variety of red algae of the family Gelidiaceae and Gracilariaceae. This galactose polymer, discovered in Japan, is widely used in traditional Japanese and Asian pastries. “The origin is vegetable: agar-agar is made from it dehydration of algae“, underlines Emilie Demoly, dietician-nutritionist, expert in micronutrition, in Paris. Agar-agar is therefore a gelling product, composed of carbohydrates and agarose. It is referred to in the list of food additives under the reference E406. Her compound per 100g:

  • calories: 335 kcal;
  • very low glycemic index: 15;
  • protein: 0.3 g;
  • lipids: 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates (soluble fiber): 83.2 g;
  • calcium: 500 mg;
  • potassium: 13 mg;
  • magnesium: 12.3 mg;
  • iron: 5 mg;
  • phosphorus: 8.5 mg.

Consisting of 80% fiberIt swells in the stomach to triple its volume, thereby dampening the appetite.underlines Émilie Demoly.

What are its health benefits?

Agar-agar makes it possibleLightens, gelles and compacts culinary preparations. “It may be interesting to introduce it into the diet of overweight people because of its satiating properties,” she specifies.
It can also be very interesting in vegetarian diets as a replacement for animal gelatin.

Does it benefit diabetes?

Agar-agar because of its A low carbohydrate content would have an effect on blood sugar levels. So it could have an interesting impact for people with type 2 diabetes. Research is currently being done to demonstrate this.

Does it have anti-cancer benefits?

The advantage of agar-agar has not been scientifically proven against cancer. It can be a very good ally for people who have swallowing problems or swallowing problems during therapeutic treatments.

Does it have digestive benefits?

Agar-agar has no specific digestive benefits, it has a satiety effect due to the richness in fiber. It therefore stimulates intestinal transit and acts on the microbiota. “It should be avoided in people with fragile intestines. If consumed in high doses, this is indeed the case a real laxative effect” she notes.

Agar-agar should be used occasionally as a culinary aid. “It is often found in the form of flakes, filaments or powder“. It could be an interesting ingredient to replace or use less flour and/or cornstarch. “It has no taste or smell. It can be used in all types of sweet or savory preparations”, adds Émilie Demoly. There are a large number of recipes in which agar-agar can be integrated: “You can slip a few leaves of gelatin into your mousses, pies, jellies, terrines, etc.

How much to consume per day?

Agar-agar is used in very small quantities.and not every day”, she emphasizes. The average amount of agar-agar consumed is 2 to 4 g/liter of liquid.

What are the dangers of agar-agar?

Consuming high doses is said to cause agar-agar flatulence and can have an impact on intestinal transit due to its laxative effect.

Are there contraindications?

There are no contraindications to the use of agar-agar, nor for children, pregnant or lactating women.

With thanks to Émilie Demoly, dietician-nutritionist with expertise in micronutrition, in Paris and Yvelines.

9 Body Language Tricks That Lead to Instant Sympathy


Your body knows you so much more than you think.

When you are angry, you clench your jaw, tense your muscles, and clench your fists into fists.

When you are sad, your head hangs low, your shoulders slump and your body feels weak.

When you’re anxious, you’re fidgety, your hands have to keep themselves busy, and you can cross your arms to simulate a hug to calm yourself down.

Sure, these all sound obvious when you write them down, but as you go about your day you rarely consciously notice them.

However, once you become more aware of your body language, you can start using it to your advantage. For example, you can become more sympathetic.


Here are the 9 tricks that lead to instant sympathy.

1) Maintain eye contact (but not too much)

Eye contact is incredibly important for human communication.

This way we remind each other that we are still paying attention. It is the way we express emotions. That’s how we fall in love.

Therefore, it’s probably no surprise that too little eye contact can make you seem cold, unapproachable, and uninterested.

In fact, studies show that maintaining eye contact during conversations can increase positive affect between people, meaning the person you’re talking to can create a stronger emotional bond with you if you look them in the eye regularly.

However, keep in mind that too much eye contact can be just as harmful as too little.

If you always stare into someone’s eyes and never look in another direction, you may seem a little strange or downright freaky.

The best rule of thumb is to periodically glance at the person you are speaking to while also taking in your surroundings.

2) Lean slightly toward the person you are speaking to

You may not be consciously aware of your posture, but it actually says a lot about how you feel.

The way you express your feelings, in turn, affects the emotions of the person you are talking to, and the kind of bond they build with you.

Suppose you are really interested in the conversation in front of you. This causes you to lean slightly forward. The person will subconsciously interpret that action as a sign of interest, and he or she may be happy that his words are so engaging.

Because your reaction makes them feel good, they will learn to associate that feeling of satisfaction with your presence, and ta-da!

You immediately increased your sympathy. And all you had to do was lean forward.

3) Consider everyone’s personal space

When I say that you should lean into the person you’re talking to, I don’t mean that you should steal all of his or her personal space for yourself.

In fact, that would probably do you more harm than good.

People love their space. No matter how interested you are in what they have to say, staring them in the eye from four inches away is likely to make them very uncomfortable.

I speak from personal experience. I used to have a teacher who would talk to everyone from a very short distance, and no matter how many steps you took back, she would just catch up. It was incredibly frustrating.

If you want to take everyone’s comfort zones into account, it’s important to consider which country you’re in and who you’re talking to, because personal space is a very cultural concept.

For example, in Western culture, a person’s personal space is thus defined:

  • intimate (less than 18 inches)
  • personal (18 to 48 inches)
  • social (48 inches to 12 feet)
  • public (over 12 feet)

Respecting the comfort zones of others automatically increases your likeability because you demonstrate respect and self-awareness.

4) Keep an open attitude

Body language can be very complex and complicated, but sometimes it is as simple as it can be.

An open attitude means exactly that: openness. And openness increases your chances of being liked immediately, because it means that you are approachable, cordial and open to a nice conversation.

To adopt an open attitude:

  • Cross your arms and legs
  • Point your feet toward the person you are speaking to
  • Keep your back straight

If you don’t know what to do with your hands, try using them more to gesture while you talk. Don’t put them in your pockets, as many people consider that rude.

5) Nod along and let your emotions show on your face

When someone tells you a story, all he or she wants is to feel heard, validated, and understood.

There’s no better way to do that than to let all your emotions show up on your face.

If you are shocked, open your mouth in surprise. If you sympathize with their frustration, shake your head and pout.

Of course, most people already do such things instinctively, but only if they really listen.

And unfortunately, many of us rarely really listen. Often we just wait for our turn so that we can talk about our own lives again.

Therefore, it makes sense that a good way to increase your sympathy is to show genuine interest in what the other person has to say.

6) Mirror the body language of others

Mirroring is a common trick in non-verbal communication.

If you’ve never heard of the term, it’s what happens when you mimic someone else’s body language to build subconscious rapport.

If they lean forward, lean forward too.

If they touch their neck often, subtly touch yours too.

This sounds pretty manipulative, but it’s actually just a very superficial way to show empathy and build a sense of understanding between the two of you. In fact, many people mirror others without even realizing it.

Research shows that mirroring increases positive feelings. However, it is also important to note that there can be too much of a good thing. Mirroring someone in the wrong context can come across as rude or inappropriate.

Therefore, the lesson here is to mirror only when it really fits the context and only slightly. If you mirror too much, your intentions may be very clear or you may come across as very strange.

7) Use light physical touch to convey joy

Did you know that touch can signal several different emotions?

No really. You might think that touch is just about pressure or temperature, but the way you touch someone can say a lot about how you feel.

While “there is no phrasebook to translate the language of touch,” like says Psychology Todayit is useful to analyze the light touches that friends exchange with each other in different contexts.

When your friend is feeling down, a rub on the back or shoulder indicates that you support him.

When you’re both laughing, a light touch on the arm is all you need to convey feelings of joy and love.

And genuine touch can have a calming effect And even reduce feelings of loneliness Sharing a few light touches with others can help you build a positive relationship with them.

8) Put on a genuine smile

Shocking, right?

Even if something seems obvious, it’s still worth mentioning.

Based on research, smiling has a motivating effect on other people because it acts as an invitation to interaction and connection. This is also why cheerful people apparently have better social relationships.

However, keep in mind that you can’t just widen your lips and expect the expression to work its magic. You have to sincerely mean it.

People can tell if you’re faking a smile because it doesn’t reach your eyes, and that’s where the power of an authentic smile really lies.

The wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes? These are the essential parts of your smile. Without them, your lips are just wider in a strange and meaningless expression.

9) Show interest in the people around you

Finally, the best way to increase your sympathy through body language is to let your body naturally express how you feel inside.

Of course, first and foremost you have to feel good about the interaction at hand. So my final piece of advice is: be genuinely interested in what other people have to say.

If you approach each person with an open heart and a curious mind, your body will automatically communicate that strong level of commitment, increasing your likability.

better for your health? The dietitian's opinion


Air fryers or air fryers are all the rage, but is it really less fat and therefore better for your health? Does that give us permission to eat fries more often?

It's trendy: hot air fryer type “Air fryer” is everywhere. It is impossible not to have seen her without giving in to temptation eat less greasy fries So less bad for your health and the line. But what is it actually?

Traditionally, frying is a cooking method that involves immersing food in a significant amount of hot fat, usually vegetable oil. “Oil-free fryers, such as Air fryerscombine two technologies: hot air circulation and convection cooking, explains Charles Brumauld, dietitian, specialist in eating behavior. The fryer heats the air in the fryer and ventilates it around the food. By adding a small amount of oil this hot air circulating at high speed creates aCrispy texture that is almost like fryingwithout the need for a large amount of oil“.

Fries with 30% less fat?

Considering the technological process, it is necessarily less fat, because traditional frying requires several liters of oil on average, rather than roughly a spoonful of oil for air fryers. 'LFries made in the air fryer are less greasy, our conversation partner confirms. These can contribute to the weight regulation if we often eat fried products. But the accounting view of calories is not sufficient to regulate our food intake.” French fries remain high in calories thanks to the starch in the potatoes. The ideal is tochoose fresh potatoes and prefer natural herbs with high-calorie sauces.

  • 100 g of fries fried in a conventional deep fryer corresponds to approximately 285 calories
  • 100 g of fries cooked in the “air fryer” is approx 30% less rich, is nearby 200 calories. It all depends on the amount of oil added (from 1 teaspoon to 1 or even 2 tablespoons of oil)

Better for your health?

Cooking in the Airfryer is slightly less harmful, since we get less oil than with a classic deep fryer. “But frying oil often is rich in omega-6 and saturated fatty acids, fats that we consume in excess today, at the expense of omega 3 (rapeseed, flax, camelina oil, etc.)”, the dietitian answers. And it must be weighed against the frequency of consumption and the associated lifestyle. For someone who eats according to a Mediterranean-inspired model (colorful, predominantly plant-based, including a high proportion of seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh, often raw, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts), who moves every day and takes breaks during the day regulate your stress or his uncomfortable emotions, eat “classic fries” occasionally will have little exposure to his health”.

Can you eat fries more often if you use them?

It seems logical to answer yes, according to our conversation partner. But in reality no. Because although the fries in a hot air fryer are less greasy, they are still associated with production acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic molecule for man and whose European health authorities advise to limit exposure. In question, the Maillard reaction that is formed between the sugars and proteins of the food during cooking, such as on toast, roasted vegetables or crème brûlée. This browning of food also occurs when cooking in the “air fryer”.

Cooking in an “air fryer” is said to reduce the formation of acrylamide

According to a recent study, the formation of acrylamide in the 'air fryer' is less than in a conventional deep fryer.anyway this remains a short and very intense cooking processtherefore not comparable to steaming or marinating, which better preserves nutrients, especially those sensitive to heat“. “For this aspect related to the Maillard reaction, it seems to me useful for his health limit consumption frequency, even if everything has to be rebalanced against the way of life,” warns the expert.

Tastier fries?

With “classic frying” the oil is absorbed up to 40%, depending on the type of food. This gives them great palatability, a golden appearance and… a crispy, melting texture, which gives the eater a feeling of intense taste pleasure. With an air fryer the texture is different And may “disappoint” some users.. “It is up to the consumer to place the cursor: if he often eats fried products (zucchini fritters, breaded products, fries, spring rolls, etc.), the “air fryer” can be an interesting alternative to cook food evenly and quickly quite crispy texture. If he eats it occasionally and the taste experience takes precedence over everything else, he may prefer the classic version“, he concludes.

With thanks to Charles Brumauld, dietitian, specialist in eating behavior and author of the book “Le SAV de l'aliment” (Ed.First)

People who are truly fulfilled in life usually live by these 9 rules

There is a huge difference between just getting by and feeling truly fulfilled in life.

This distinction often comes down to adhering to a certain set of rules that guide our actions and shape our attitudes.

People who are truly fulfilled in life have these rules under control. And you might be surprised to hear that they are not complicated or elusive.

I’m going to share with you nine simple yet profound rules that people can truly live by. If you’re looking for a deeper sense of fulfillment in life, read on.

1) Gratitude is key

One of the most common traits among those who are truly fulfilled in life is practicing gratitude.

Gratitude isn’t just about saying “thank you” when someone does something nice for you. It’s about cultivating an attitude of appreciation for all aspects of life – the good, the bad and everything in between.

Think about it. By focusing on what we are grateful for, we shift our attention from what is lacking in our lives to what is in abundance. This simple change in perspective can lead to a deep sense of satisfaction.

Truly fulfilled people understand this. They appreciate the simple joys, recognize the lessons in hardships, and express their gratitude openly and regularly.

If you aspire to live a more fulfilling life, start counting your blessings. But remember: it’s not just about them recognizing it; what matters is that you genuinely appreciate them.

2) Embrace challenges

Another rule that really brings satisfaction to people’s lives is embracing challenges. Challenges, no matter how tough, are often the catalyst for growth and self-improvement.

Here’s a personal example. A few years ago I found myself in a job that was comfortable but unfulfilling. I felt stagnant, like I wasn’t growing or learning anything new. The easy option would have been to stay put, but instead I chose to step out of my comfort zone and pursue a new career path.

I won’t lie – it was tough. There were countless times when I doubted my decision and felt like giving up. But as I endured the discomfort and overcame each challenge, I grew not only professionally, but personally as well.

Today I can confidently say that this was one of the most rewarding decisions of my life. It has taught me resilience, perseverance and the value of stepping out of my comfort zone.

Don’t avoid challenges. Embrace them. They may just be the stepping stone to a more fulfilled life.

3) Prioritize relationships

Those who find true fulfillment in life tend to place a high value on their relationships. Whether it is family, friends, or significant others, these connections provide support, joy, and meaning to our lives.

There is a Harvard study underway that has been following the lives of 724 men for more than 75 years. It is one of the longest studies of adult life ever done. The goal was to see which factors contribute most to human happiness.

And do you know what they found? It wasn’t rich. It wasn’t famous. It was good relationships that kept these men happiest in their lives.

Invest time and energy in cultivating and nurturing your relationships. Ultimately, it is the quality of your relationships that contribute significantly to a fulfilled life.

4) Live in the present

Living in the present is a common rule among those who live fulfilled lives. It means focusing on what’s happening now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Think about it. The past is gone; we cannot change it. The future is not yet here; we have no control over it. All we really have is this moment, now.

When we become fully involved in the present, we begin to appreciate the beauty of life as it unfolds. We become more aware and aware, which leads to a deeper sense of fulfillment.

Instead of letting your thoughts wander to the past or future, bring your attention back to the present. Appreciate it now. It can make a world of difference in how fulfilled you feel.

5) Practice self-care

Self-care is a non-negotiable rule for those who live truly fulfilled lives. It’s all about taking care of your own physical, emotional and mental well-being.

You see, it’s hard to feel fulfilled when you’re constantly running on empty. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, stress and a host of other health problems.

On the other hand, when we prioritize self-care, we are taking care of not only our body, but also our mind and spirit. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep, hobbies we enjoy – these are all forms of self-care. And they all contribute to our overall sense of fulfillment.

Don’t think of self-care as an indulgence. It’s a necessity. After all, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first, then you’ll be in a better position to live a fulfilling life.

6) Be kind

Kindness is a universal rule that fulfills what people live by. It’s about treating others with respect, understanding and compassion. And it’s not just about the big acts of kindness, but also about the small, everyday acts.

Have you ever noticed how nice it feels to do something nice for someone else? Maybe you held the door open for a stranger, helped a friend in need, or simply offered a warm smile to someone having a bad day.

At those moments you not only make someone else’s day a little brighter, but you also boost your own mood.

That’s the beauty of kindness. It benefits both the giver and the receiver. It promotes connection, improves our mood and contributes to our overall sense of satisfaction.

Be kind – not because it’s expected of you, but because it’s a simple and powerful way to add more joy and fulfillment to your life.

7) Embrace imperfections

Perfection is an unattainable standard that can lead to stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction. Those who are truly fulfilled acknowledge and embrace their imperfections.

A few years ago I found myself constantly striving for perfection in every aspect of my life. Whether it was work, relationships, or personal goals, I was never satisfied unless things were perfect. Over time, this pursuit of perfection took its toll on my mental health.

It wasn’t until I learned to let go of this unrealistic standard and embrace my imperfections that I began to feel more satisfied and fulfilled. I realized that it is our flaws and mistakes that make us human, that allow us to grow and evolve.

Don’t strive for perfection. Strive for progress. Embrace your imperfections – they are part of what makes you unique.

8) Pursue passion

People who are truly fulfilled in life often pursue their passions. They engage in activities that bring them joy, excitement, and a sense of purpose.

When we do what we love, it doesn’t feel like work. It energizes us, motivates us and fills us with a sense of satisfaction that is difficult to find elsewhere.

Whether it’s painting, writing, gardening, volunteering or even starting a side business based on a hobby – pursuing your passion can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Don’t ignore your passions. Make time for them. It’s not just hobbies; they are an essential part of who you are and what makes you happy.

9) Cultivate self-love

The most essential rule that truly fulfills people is the cultivation of self-love. It’s about accepting yourself as you are, respecting your needs and boundaries, and being gentle with yourself.

Self-love is not about being narcissistic or selfish. It’s about recognizing your value and believing in your abilities. It’s about celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, and not being too hard on yourself when you stumble.

When you love yourself, you lay the foundation for all other aspects of a fulfilling life. You’re more likely to pursue your passions, maintain healthy relationships, practice self-care, and live in the present moment.

The journey to a fulfilling life starts with loving yourself. It is the most important step you can take on this journey.

Final thoughts

Living a truly fulfilled life does not necessarily mean great achievement, fame, or fortune. As we have seen from these nine rules, it is more about cultivating certain attitudes and habits.

It’s about practicing gratitude, taking on challenges, valuing relationships, living in the present moment, taking care of yourself, being kind, embracing imperfections, pursuing passions, and most importantly, nurturing self-love.

These may seem simple at first glance, but they have profound implications for our lives. They are the stepping stone to a life that is not just lived, but truly cherished and enjoyed.

Fulfillment is a journey and not a destination. It is a way of life that encompasses all aspects of life: the joys and the sorrows, the peaks and valleys.

As we conclude this reflection on fulfillment, I leave you with this thought: Which of these lines resonates with you the most? And how can you integrate it into your daily life? Your journey to true fulfillment begins with this one step.

People who prioritize happiness usually do these ten things every morning

We often hear about the rigorous routines of successful people. But what about those who prioritize happiness above all else?

Interestingly enough, they also have a unique set of morning rituals, and they are not what you would expect.

So, grab yourself a cup of tea, sit back, and let’s look at the 10 things people who prioritize their happiness do every morning.

You may be surprised and even inspired to change your own morning routine!

1) Start the day with gratitude

When I open my eyes in the morning, the first thing I do is take a moment to be grateful. Before I jump out of bed and tackle the day, I pause and think about the things I’m grateful for.

This can be as simple as appreciating the warmth of my bed or as profound as recognizing the love of my family.

Starting my day with a sign of gratitude helps me develop an optimistic outlook no matter what lies ahead.

2) Engage in a mindful routine

Once I’m out and about, I make sure I start my day with a mindful routine.

This could be a gentle yoga session or simply making my morning coffee while appreciating the smell and warmth.

The key is to be fully present and enjoy the moment. This exercise helps me start my day calmly and clearly and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

3) Embrace moments of silence

After the initial peace, I consciously seek out moments of silence.

In a world constantly buzzing with noise and distraction, this may seem strange. But it is in these quiet moments that I find the greatest clarity and peace.

Be that as it may meditatetaking a silent walk or just sitting quietly with a cup of tea, these moments of silence help me reconnect with myself, promoting a sense of inner happiness that stays with me throughout the day.

4) Nourish the body with a nutritious breakfast

Next on my morning agenda is breakfast. But not just any breakfast. I make sure I fuel my body with a meal that is nutritious and satisfying.

This could be a smoothie packed with fruits and vegetables, a bowl of whole-grain oatmeal or an omelet with fresh vegetables.

By treating my body right first thing in the morning, I set myself up for a day full of energy and positivity, which contributes to my overall happiness.

5) Set clear intentions for the day

Before I dive into my daily tasks, I take a moment to set clear intentions for the day.

This is not about creating a difficult to-do list, but about defining what I want to achieve and how I want to feel at the end of the day.

By setting my intentions, I give my day purpose and direction, which helps me feel more fulfilled and happier as I go about my tasks.

6) Hydrate before anything else

As soon as I get out of bed and before I consume anything else, I drink a glass of water.

Moisturizing The first thing I do in the morning helps rev up my metabolism and rehydrate my body after a night of sleep.

This simple act not only contributes to my physical well-being, but also sets the tone of self-care for the day, boosting my overall sense of happiness.

7) Connect with loved ones

An important part of my morning routine is connecting with the people I love.

This could be a simple good morning hug with my partner, a quick phone call to my parents, or even a playful moment with my pet.

This connection helps me start my day with warmth and a sense of connection, reaffirming the value of relationships in my life and contributing to my overall happiness.

8) Acknowledge feelings

Not every morning starts with sunshine and rainbows, and that’s okay.

I make it a habit to acknowledge my feelings, whatever they are, without judgment. When I wake up feeling anxious or depressed, I allow myself to sit with those feelings instead of pushing them away.

This act of self-acceptance creates space for growth and healing, and ultimately a deeper sense of happiness.

9) Participate in physical activity

I also make sure to incorporate some form of physical activity into my morning routine.

This could be a brisk walk around the block, a quick workout session, or even some stretching.

Exercising not only keeps me fit, but also improves my mood and energy levels, giving me a positive start to the day and contributing to my overall happiness.

10) Practice self-love

Last but certainly not least, I make time for self-love in the morning.

This can be as simple as looking in the mirror and giving myself a genuine smile, or reminding myself of my worth and achievements.

Practicing self-love helps increase my self-esteem and confidence, allowing me to start the day on a positive note and increasing my overall happiness.

Final thoughts

There you have it: 10 things that people who prioritize their happiness do every morning.

Incorporating these practices into your morning routine can also pave the way for a day full of joy, peace, and fulfillment.

You know that happiness is not a destination, but a daily practice. So why not start tomorrow morning?

8 subtle body language signals that reveal high intelligence

It’s one of the most intriguing aspects of human interaction:

You meet someone, or maybe you’ve known them for years, and there’s just something about them that screams “intelligent.”

You’ve tried to put your finger on it, you’ve tried to pick apart their conversations and actions, but it’s just not that obvious.

Sometimes it’s not even about what they say or do.

You just have an instinctive feeling that they are smarter than average people, even if they don’t show off their academic degrees or use big words.

Here’s how to read between the lines and pick up on the subtle body language signals that reveal high intelligence.

1) They maintain good eye contact

It’s one of the most fundamental aspects of body language, yet it speaks volumes.

Believe it or not, eye contact is more than just a sign of respect or attention; it also reveals a lot about a person’s intelligence.

People who are smart often have the ability to maintain constant eye contact during a conversation.

Why is that?

Because they are confident in their thoughts and ideas, and are genuinely interested in understanding and learning from others.

They don’t just wait for their turn to speak, they listen, process and formulate thoughtful responses.

2) They are not afraid of silence

Once I found out that silence was a sign of high intelligence, I was impressed.

I mean, we usually assume that the more someone talks, the smarter he/she is, right/

Well, in my experience that’s not always the case.

The thing is, the smartest people I know are comfortable with silence. They don’t feel the need to fill every moment with words.

Let’s think about it for a moment.

Have you ever noticed how some people jump right into a conversation without skipping a beat, while others take their time before speaking their thoughts?

I admit there have been times when I felt pressure to fill the silence, to respond quickly so I don’t seem detached or slow.

But I’ve come to realize that those measured pauses in a conversation are actually a sign of deep thinkers.

These people just understand that sometimes silence can say more than any word.

As a result, they use these quiet moments to think, process, and formulate their thoughts.

3) They use their hands when they talk

I remember a conversation I had with a college professor. Not only was he brilliant, but he also had a unique way of explaining complex concepts.

One thing that always struck me was the way he used his hands when he spoke. It was as if he painted a picture in the sky, allowing us to visualize his thoughts.

Interestingly, research has been published in the journal Developmental psychology has shown that using hand gestures can make us feel smarter.

This could be explained by the fact that our hands move improves our memory and stimulates our brain.

It’s surprising, isn’t it?

That’s why people who use their hands while talking are often seen as more engaging, more believable, and yes, more intelligent.

Simply put, it’s a sign that they are actively involved in the conversation and trying to convey their ideas as clearly as possible.

4) They have a relaxed attitude

Can you imagine that the way someone sits or stands can tell you a lot about his or her intellect?

It turns out it’s true.

Here’s the deal:

People with high intelligence often have a relaxed, open attitude. They are not closed off or defensive. Instead, they seem comfortable and at ease.

This is because they have confidence in their own knowledge and skills.

Let me introduce a psychological aspect of this phenomenon:

A relaxed attitude indicates that they are receptive to new ideas and perspectives – a trait often associated with intellectual curiosity and openness to experience, both of which are linked to intelligence. according to studies.

It is perhaps the most telling non-verbal signal that shows the grace of adaptability.

5) They are expressive with their facial features

Have you ever noticed how some people can say so much without saying a single word?

Their faces do the talking.

In general, intelligent people tend to have very expressive faces.

I know you may assume it’s a stereotypical way of thinking, but it’s the truth.

This is because their thoughts and ideas are so strong that they cannot resist showing them on their faces.

A furrowed brow when they think, raised eyebrows when they are surprised or excited, a soft smile when they are satisfied.

This expressiveness is not just about showing emotions, it is about communicating thoughts and understanding.

It’s another way intelligent people interact with others and make sure their message is understood.

6) They nod when they understand

In conversations I noticed something interesting:

Very intelligent people have the habit of nodding when they understand what you are saying.

It’s not a hurried or impatient nod, but rather a thoughtful nod that says, “Yes, I’m following you.”

Guess what?

It’s another sign of their analytical minds at work, processing the information in front of them.

This body language signal not only shows their active involvement in the conversation, but also their respect for your input.

They don’t just listen to you, they really listen and understand.

I remember sitting across from a colleague during a particularly heated meeting. There were voices and there was tension in the room.

But while I found myself nodding along to seem nice, my colleague was different.

She had a natural talent for nodding at just the right moments, her movements in perfect harmony with the speaker’s points resonating with truth and logic.

It wasn’t an ongoing agreement; it was selective and meaningful.

This synchrony in listening is what I mean by ‘they nod when they understand’.

Intelligent people have this way of matching their physical responses to their mental agreement or disagreement.

7) They have a firm handshake

This is something we often overlook. Still, the way someone shakes hands can tell you a lot about him/her.

Let me explain how this works:

Intelligent people have a firm, but not overwhelming, handshake.

It is a sign of trust and respect.

Sometimes this gesture might make you think that they are trying to dominate you with their hold. But that is not the case.

Rather, they merely communicate their presence and attention.

Plus, they often maintain eye contact while shaking hands – another sign of commitment and respect.

Yes, such small gestures can have such an impact that they can indicate a person’s intelligence.

It’s a nuanced aspect of body language that, when used wisely, can deepen relationships and promote trust.

8) They reflect the body language of others

Here’s one thing I’ve noticed during my most stimulating conversations:

Highly intelligent people often subtly mirror the body language of the person they are talking to.

It is a common phenomenon used in social psychology studies known as ‘mirror‘.

Wondering what it means?

Well, it’s an unconscious sign of empathy that shows they not only understand your words, but also your feelings and perspectives.

It is perhaps not surprising that this level of empathy and understanding is a hallmark of emotional intelligence, which is increasingly recognized as a key component of overall intelligence.

Therefore, think twice if you are in a conversation and notice that the other person is subtly mirroring your gestures or attitude.

You may be in the presence of someone very intelligent.

Final thoughts

Recognizing these subtle signals in the people around you, or even in yourself, has given you a new perspective on perceiving intelligence.

But you have to understand that intelligence is not just about taking tests or having an impressive vocabulary.

It also shows that we are emotionally attuned, socially aware, and able to understand and respond to the world around us.

Observing body language can provide unique insights into a person’s cognitive abilities.

Yet it is equally important to remember that everyone expresses their intelligence in different ways.

As you move forward, convey this insight with awareness and sensitivity.

Let it guide you to more meaningful interactions, where silent gestures speak volumes.

People who are very difficult to get along with often exhibit these 8 behaviors (without realizing it)

Have you ever been around someone who unconsciously turns the simplest interactions into a delicate tightrope walk? We've all encountered people with behaviors that create an invisible barrier, making social interactions more challenging than they need to be.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at eight behaviors that people engage in that – hurting their hearts – may not realize that it makes their relationships feel more like a battlefield than a playground.

Without further ado, let's jump right in.

1) They are constantly negative

Negativity can take many forms, from constant complaining to frequent criticism.

People who are really difficult to get along with often have a knack for constantly seeing the glass as half empty.

It's not just about being pessimistic, though. The point is to spread that pessimism like a contagious disease until it starts to affect everyone around them.

If you find yourself feeling exhausted or down after interacting with them, this is a clear sign that their negativity is affecting you.

2) They never acknowledge their own shortcomings

Here's something I learned the hard way: no one is perfect.

But dealing with someone who refuses to accept this universal truth about themselves can be exhausting.

These people are usually the ones who blame others and reject any responsibility for their actions. It's always someone else's fault, not theirs.

When a discussion or argument arises, they are quick to point fingers and slow to look in the mirror.

In my experience, such behavior only leads to more conflict and less understanding. It is absolutely not a healthy basis for any relationship.

3) They don't respect boundaries

I once had a friend who always seemed to cross the line when it came to my personal space.

It started with little things, like borrowing my stuff without asking or showing up at my house unannounced. Over time it escalated to more serious intrusions, such as reading my personal messages or making decisions on my behalf.

It felt like they didn't understand the concept of personal boundaries, or worse, that they had to ignore them.

In any relationship, mutual respect for each other's space and privacy is crucial. People who ignore this often make others feel awkward and uncomfortable around them.

Looking back, I realize that their pushy behavior was a major red flag that I should have addressed sooner.

4) They are always the victims

In psychology there is a term called 'the' victim mentality. It is when a person tends to see themselves as victims of the negative actions of others, even when there is no clear evidence.

This mentality can be very difficult to be around. People with a victim mentality often refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead blame others for their misfortunes.

The world is always out to get them and they are the eternal innocent party. It's an exhausting cycle that leaves little room for growth or change, making interacting with them increasingly difficult over time.

5) They are overly critical

I'm sure we can all agree on that constructive criticism is favorable. It helps us grow, learn and become a better version of ourselves. But there is a fine line between being helpful and hurtful.

Some people have a tendency to constantly criticize others. Whether it's your choice of clothes, your taste in music or your career decisions, they always have something to say. Their words are more discouraging than encouraging, more destructive than constructive.

It feels like they are always looking for mistakes and never appreciate the good. This can make even the simplest interactions with them an exhausting experience. Remember that everyone has their own path and no one has the right to incessantly judge someone else's journey.

6) They struggle with empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is what connects us as people and makes deeper, more meaningful relationships possible.

However, some people seem to find it difficult to tap into this essential human quality. They have trouble putting themselves in your shoes, feeling what you feel. Their world revolves around their own experiences and feelings, with little room for anyone else's.

This can make conversations with them feel one-sided and superficial. It's like talking to a brick wall, your feelings and experiences bouncing around without being absorbed or acknowledged.

This lack of empathy can make dealing with them very difficult, especially when you need understanding and comfort.

7) They are always right

We've all met people who act like they're the smartest person in the room. They have an opinion about everything and are never wrong, at least in their own eyes.

It can be very difficult to deal with these individuals. It's difficult to have a meaningful conversation with someone who isn't open to other perspectives or isn't willing to admit when he or she is wrong.

Debates with them quickly turn into fights, with the ultimate goal not to understand or learn, but to prove them right. This stubbornness and lack of humility can make them difficult to get along with, and it often leads to unnecessary tension and conflict.

It's important to remember that everyone has something valuable to share and that we can all learn from each other. No one has all the answers.

8) They never apologize

I believe one of the most crucial aspects of any relationship is the ability to apologize when you are wrong. It shows maturity, humility and respect for the other person's feelings.

However, some people seem to view apologizing as a sign of weakness. They would rather justify their actions or shift blame than admit they were wrong.

This can be incredibly frustrating and hurtful, especially if you're on the receiving end. It often leads to unresolved conflict, growing resentment and a breakdown in trust.

In my opinion, someone who cannot apologize is someone who values ​​his or her pride in your feelings. And honestly, that's not someone you want in your life.


Recognizing this behavior in others can be a tough pill to swallow, especially if the person is close to you. It's never easy to acknowledge that someone you care about may be difficult to get around.

But remember: self-preservation is not selfishness. It's okay to distance yourself from people who drain your energy or undermine your peace of mind. You are not obliged to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

The real challenge lies in discovering this behavior within ourselves. The first step towards change is awareness. So if you've noticed any of these traits in your own behavior, don't beat yourself up.

We are all human and we all make mistakes.

The key is to learn from them and strive for growth. Open yourself to feedback, practice empathy, respect boundaries, and always be willing to apologize when you're wrong.

7 Little-Known Psychological Tricks to Disarm a Narcissist


Do you have someone with narcissistic tendencies in your life?

If you’re interested in learning Tricks to Disarm a Narcissist, you probably will. And it can be tricky, right?

In theory, we probably all know that narcissists have a reputation for being annoying and hurtful; it is best to avoid them at all costs. In reality, however, it is not always realistic to just completely cut someone out of your life.

Whether it’s a family member, a work colleague, a neighbour or even a close friend or partner, if you can’t leave them out, then you’ll have to learn how to deal with them.

With that in mind, today we’re sharing seven little-known psychological tricks that will help you disarm a narcissist.

Have you tried any of these before?

Let’s start.

1) Understand their tactics

So you want to disarm a narcissist? The first thing you need to do is understand their tactics.

Remember, narcissists behave the way they do because it serves them, they get what they want. By understanding what they do and why, you can begin to take away their power.

Do your research. Learn about the mind of a narcissist. It’s like knowing your rival team’s playbook. Then you can start developing countertactics that work.

Think about this: To the untrained eye, narcissists can come across as self-centred and arrogant attention seekers. The truth is that many people with narcissistic tendencies lack self-esteem, struggle with insecurities, and have an intense fear of being vulnerable.

Reality is very different from perception. If you truly understand narcissists and their tactics, you will increase your chances of successfully dealing with them.

2) Don’t try to fix them

When my old neighbour saw a girl dating a guy who was hard to get along with, he said, “Well, she sure likes a project.” Later I understood what he meant.

The expression refers to a woman who enters a relationship to fix her partner, rather than accept him for who he is.

And that brings us to our next lesson in disarming a narcissist. You need to realize that “narcissism is a complex personality construct that, according to most scientists, has several different dimensions,” as noted by Psychology Today.

It’s not something that can be solved. Nothing you can do will “cure” this person of their narcissistic tendencies.

Instead of trying to change them, focus on the things you can do to cope with them and reduce their negative impact on you.

3) Take action when boundaries are crossed

If you’re dealing with a narcissist, you’ve probably noticed that they regularly ignore boundaries, right? I recently realized that a friend I had in college had narcissistic tendencies.

Let me explain: she had a habit of being late, I mean almost an hour or later.

On winter mornings she offered to take me to college, and I gladly accepted. She went in anyway and it saved me from walking in the rain. But a pattern emerged: She showed up 45 minutes or more late and I missed my class because of it.

When I told her that if she didn’t leave at 9 a.m. I would just walk so I wouldn’t miss my class, she said I was ungrateful for the elevator. But she promised to be on time next time.

But she never was. The mistake I made was that even though I tried to set a boundary, I never followed and enforced it. And I didn’t take any action when she ignored it.

Everyone knows about setting boundaries with narcissists, but one of the hallmarks of narcissism is setting boundaries lack of respect for the boundaries of others so they will likely exceed them. In this case, you must enforce that boundary and take action if it is crossed. This is the key to disarming a narcissist.

Only when they realize that their actions will have consequences will they see behaviour change.

4) Limit sharing of personal information

Most of us remember what it felt like when our best friend in high school betrayed us by telling everyone a secret that we shared with them in confidence, right?

We end up feeling vulnerable, exposed and isolated. And this is what a narcissist will do to you if you share something personal with him or her. It feels like they are a trusted friend at the time, but later they will use it against you.

Sharing personal information can make us feel vulnerable. And manipulation requires vulnerability to work well so that they will use this to attract you and build a relationship of trust with you. Later they will use what they know about you to manipulate you.

Keep your personal belongings to yourself. The less they know about you, the less they can mess with you.

And it makes it a lot easier to stay emotionally detached, which leads us to our next trick.

5) Stay emotionally detached

Have you ever wondered how narcissists are so good at manipulating those around them?

They have the gift of attracting people to them by playing on their emotions. Once they can elicit an emotional response from you, they can control the situation and have you exactly where they want you.

As soon as you feel yourself justifying, arguing, defending or explaining yourself to a narcissist, you are already lost.

The best way to combat this is to remain emotionally distant. Don’t get caught up in this emotional cycle. If you can do this, a narcissist will have difficulty controlling the situation and will lose his power.

This is easier said than done and you may need to work on developing your emotional intelligence to pull this off.

6) Use the ‘grey stone’ method

A guy I worked with a few years ago made me the butt of every joke. At first, I laughed along, but the more I did, the crueller his jokes became.

I could tell that despite his arrogant attitude, he had no self-esteem, so instead of putting him down in front of everyone, I decided to simply deprive him of any ammunition I could use against me.

I seemed as boring as possible to him. I haven’t shared anything about my personal life, my weekend activities, or my past experiences. Every time he talked to me, even when he was nice, I gave him as little as possible.

And it worked. It didn’t take long for him to lose interest in me and move on. I later found out that this is known as the ‘grey stone’ method.

Unfortunately, narcissists sometimes put others down just to make themselves feel better. And even if it’s not your fault, if this happens to you, you need to take action to stop it. And the “grey rock” method is a simple but effective way to deal with a narcissist.

7) Be crystal clear and focus on facts, not emotions

We’ve already talked about the fact that narcissists use manipulation as one of their dominant tactics to gain control and get what they want.

The point is: that manipulation is very dependent on the presence of emotions to be effective. If you can take away the emotion, it becomes incredibly difficult for a narcissist to successfully manipulate you.

But how?

Focus on the facts, not how you feel. Think of yourself as a detective collecting evidence, all that matters are the hard facts.

Here’s the deal: By being crystal clear and focusing only on facts, it is much harder for a narcissist to twist your words and gain the upper hand.

It’s a little-known trick to disarm a narcissist, because most of us as humans are driven by emotion, sometimes even contrary to rational behavior. It’s not easy, but if you can do it, it’s a game changer.

it comes down to

Chances are we’ll all encounter people with narcissistic tendencies in our lives, but knowing these tricks can help you minimize their negative impact on you.

A word of caution: It’s not easy to get the upper hand with a narcissist. It takes perseverance and practice, but if you get good at these seven tricks, narcissists won’t control you.

7 unique traits shared by people whose parents controlled too much of their childhood

7 unique traits shared by people whose parents controlled too much of their childhood

Helicopter parents. With their small propellers, they zoom above your head and zoom in on every decision, every interaction.

Being the first parents to arrive on site to pick you up from the sports practice. Always keep one eye on your phone.

Track your location remotely, like the FBI.

You know, those parents who pore over every aspect of their child’s life, from school performance to playdate etiquette, and make sure everything is just the way they want (or at least approve of) it.

While there is no denying that their intentions are good, it is also true that this type of parenting can have a significant impact on a child’s personality and behavior.

If you are someone who grew up with a high level of parental supervision, you may have developed certain traits or traits that set you apart from others.

Do you want to know what influence growing up with overly controlling parents can have on your later life?

Stick around to learn about the seven unique traits commonly observed in people whose parents controlled too much of their childhood.

It’s not about blaming anyone, mind you.

It’s about understanding the effects of our upbringing and using that knowledge to better understand ourselves and how we want to parent in the future (if that’s on your card!)

1) Perfectionism

Have you ever found yourself obsessed with small details?

Toiling, exhausting yourself as you strive for perfection in every task, no matter how small and no matter how many parts of you whisper, “There is no such thing as perfection.”

Well, this could be a trait that comes from childhood.

Children of controlling parents often develop perfectionistic tendencies.

They are used to having every aspect of their activities scrutinized and criticized, and being constantly told how to do better. That’s why they learn to handle things in such a way that they avoid criticism the first time.

This is not necessarily a bad thing (in moderation), as it can promote success and high standards.

But it’s important to remember that it’s okay to make mistakes.

We are only human after all, and part of being human is embracing the imperfection that comes from all the mistakes and unexpected paths we face along the way.

2) Difficulty making decisions

When faced with difficult decisions, how easily do you choose?

Pizza or noodles?

Buying a gerbil or a German Shepherd?

Big city promotion or soft, rural lifestyle?

It’s not even just the big decisions that worry you.

Too many times have I been frozen in the cereal aisle of a supermarket, frozen with indecision, unable to decide between Coco Pops or Special K.

The difficulty of growing up with parents who made most of the decisions for you is that you often find decision-making quite challenging (much like I often do in the cereal aisle).

As a child, your choices were probably limited. You followed the path your parents had set. They chose which cereal you would get that morning.

But remember: It’s okay to take your time and weigh your options now that you’re a full-fledged adult.

Decision-making is a skill that you can nurture and improve over time, so you can follow your own path.

3) Nail-biting anxiety

The pressure and stressors caused by parents watching your every move can certainly lead to rebellious and adrenaline-seeking individuals.

But it can also cause anxious thoughts that buzz around your head like little mosquitoes.

When someone else is always in control, it’s hard to relax and trust that you can do the right thing yourself.

The world seems a more uncertain place when you’re not used to navigating it on your own, and now have no one else to fall back on.

But it’s important to remember that it’s okay to feel anxious.

The trick is not to let fear control you.

Instead, acknowledge it, accept it, and then take steps to deal with it by learning how to have confidence in yourself and regulate your own emotions.

4) Excessively responsible

parents controlled too much

Are you tempted to take responsibility and say sorry, even for things you had no part in?


Growing up in an environment where you were often held responsible for outcomes over which you had little to no control, you learned to carry burdens that were not your own.

But remember: it’s not your job to fix everything or ensure a perfect result.

It’s okay to let go and realize that you can’t control everything (no matter how hard that seems).

After all, life is unpredictable, and that’s what makes it so beautiful.

5) Difficulty establishing close relationships

When your mother/father is at your best, being a child can be the best thing in the world.

But take Jeannette McCurdy’s big hit, ‘I’m Glad My Mom Died’.

Growing up as a teenage star with a mother on her hip, she then struggled to escape parental ties and make her own friends. Her own relationships.

If you had overly controlling parents you may also find it challenging to create deep connections with others.

Maybe you’re hesitant to open up and share your feelings, or you worry too much about how others see you, or even you worry that your parents will feel lonely if you put your own life away from them.

Learning how to trust non-family members takes time, so take small steps to open up to others.

Over time, you will find that forming close bonds becomes easier and that you can make your way in the world.

6) Constant self-doubt

Having overbearing parents often means that little self-criticism in your head becomes louder and louder, filled with worries about your perfectionism, self-doubt, and anxiety.

Am I good enough?

Bright enough?

Am I too much for them?

Do they like me?

If you grew up with parents who constantly controlled your actions, that might be true dealing with self-doubt. It’s like having an internal critic who never takes a day off.

But here’s what you need to do to slowly get your head around…

You are enough. Just the way you are.

And every time that voice of self-doubt whispers in your ear, remind yourself of this truth.

Over time, you will learn to quiet that critic and embrace the wonderful person that you are.

7) Fear of failure

For those who grew up with controlling parents, failure can often seem like the worst possible outcome.

Because you’ve learned to avoid this at all costs, you probably now have a deep-seated fear of making mistakes or not living up to expectations.

Expectations are impossibly high from your parents…

But know that failure is not a monster to be feared. It is a mentor who slowly leads us to growth and improvement.

So no matter how difficult it may seem to deal with it after you’ve learned to withdraw from it, learn from it and let it propel you on your journey.

About being the child of helicopter parents.

Recognizing these qualities in yourself can feel overwhelming and somewhat hopeless.

But remember: understanding is the first step to change.

These qualities do not define you at all. They are just the product of your past experiences. They bring a lot of courage and determination, but also a lot of trauma and adversity.

And with a little self-awareness and effort, these elements can take shape again.

It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight, but by slowly working toward your goal every day, you’ll be one step closer to taking control of your own life.

Ultimately you will come out stronger and more self-confident; ready to embrace life with open arms and newfound resilience.

Highly intelligent women often exhibit these 9 behaviours (without realizing it)


There is a significant difference between being smart and being highly intelligent. In women, this intelligence often manifests itself in unique ways.

Highly intelligent women often exhibit these 9 behaviours that set them apart, often without even realizing it.

In this article, we take a closer look at the nine top behaviours that are common among highly intelligent women often exhibit these 9 behaviours

Let’s start.

1) Very curious

When it comes to highly intelligent women, one characteristic that often stands out is their deep-seated curiosity.

This is not your average ‘curious about the latest gossip’ curiosity. No, these women have an intense desire to understand how things work. It is a drive that propels them toward continuous learning and growth.

It’s why they’re always reading, asking questions, and exploring new ideas. They are not satisfied with just knowing the surface of things. Instead, they dig deep and try to understand the why and how behind each concept.

This innate curiosity often makes them experts in different areas, even outside their field. And interestingly, they may not even realize that not everyone has this level of intense curiosity.

But it’s not about showing off their knowledge; it’s about satisfying that endless hunger for learning. That’s what sets highly intelligent women apart.

2) Highly customizable

Another behaviour I’ve noticed in highly intelligent women, including myself, is adaptability.

I remember moving to a new city for work. Everything was different: the culture, the people, the working environment. It was a challenge, to say the least. But instead of feeling overwhelmed or trying to resist the change, I found myself quickly adapting to my new environment.

I started getting to know the local culture, learning a bit of the local language, and finding ways to fit into my new workplace. I even started to enjoy foods that I initially thought were strange!

This ability to adapt to new environments and situations is not just about survival; it’s also about growth and exploration. Highly intelligent women often see change as an opportunity for learning and personal development.

Looking back, I realize that this adaptability is not something that all people possess. It is a sign of high intelligence that many women display without even realizing it.

3) Emotionally intelligent

Not all intelligence is about IQ scores or academic performance. Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage emotions, is a crucial aspect of high intelligence that often goes unnoticed.

Emotionally intelligent

Highly intelligent women tend to be good at identifying their own emotions and those of others. They can understand complex feelings and use this understanding to successfully navigate social interactions.

Research shows that emotional intelligence is linked to a wide range of positive outcomes, including better mental health, better job performance and stronger relationships.

Highly intelligent women, with their inherent emotional intelligence, often excel in these areas – often without realizing what drives their success.

They understand that intelligence extends beyond textbooks and classrooms into the realm of human interaction and connection.

4) Value time for yourself

Highly intelligent women often value their alone time. It’s not that they don’t enjoy the company of others, but they also appreciate the importance of solitude.

This time alone gives them space to think, brainstorm and come up with innovative ideas. It is during these quiet moments that they expand their knowledge, solve complex problems and think deeply.

While some may consider this antisocial behaviour, it is a sign of high intelligence.

These women understand that to truly grow and learn, they must spend time with their thoughts.

And often they do this without even realizing that it is an unusual trait.

5) Avid readers

It is not uncommon to find a very intelligent woman with her nose in a book. These women are often avid readers and are constantly trying to expand their knowledge and understand the world around them.

From novels to non-fiction, from research articles to news articles, they consume a wide range of reading materials. Their love of reading is not limited to a specific genre or subject. They are open to exploring new ideas and perspectives that broaden their horizons and stimulate their intellectual growth.

For these women, a book is more than just a pastime. It is a tool for learning, a gateway to different worlds and a source of inspiration.

And most of the time they are not even aware that this habit is a clear indicator of high intelligence.

6) Empathetic listeners

Highly intelligent women tend to be empathetic listeners. They don’t just hear the words being said, they listen and understand the emotions behind those words.

I have often seen this trait in action, where a friend is going through a difficult time and finds comfort in the presence of a very intelligent woman. They have an incredible ability to make people feel heard and understood, offering comfort and support without judgment.

It’s a wonderful quality to have, something that strengthens relationships and fosters deep connections. Yet many of these women may not even realize that their empathy and exceptional listening skills are a testament to their high intelligence.

Because at the end of the day, being smart isn’t just about knowing a lot of things; it’s also about knowing how to be there for others in times of need.

7) Self-critical

Highly intelligent women are often their own toughest critics. They set high standards for themselves and are not afraid to question their actions and decisions.

I remember a time when I had to make an important decision about my career. Even after I made the decision, I found myself constantly evaluating it, wondering if it was the right choice, and considering the possible consequences.

This ability to be self-critical has nothing to do with self-doubt or insecurity. It’s about the pursuit of self-improvement and the desire to make the best decisions possible. It’s a trait that many highly intelligent women exhibit, often without even realizing it.

However, it is important to remember that while self-criticism can lead to growth, it must be balanced with self-compassion and understanding. Even the smartest among us are only human, after all.

8) Problem solvers

Highly intelligent women are often natural problem solvers. They have the gift of looking at complex situations from different angles, analyzing the different components and finding effective solutions.

Whether it’s a difficult work situation or a personal dilemma, they approach problems with a clear, logical mind and the determination to find the best possible solution.

Their problem-solving skills are not limited to their professional lives either. They apply the same analytical thinking to their personal lives and are constantly looking for ways to improve and strengthen their environment.

Interestingly, they often don’t even realize that their ability to solve problems effectively is a clear sign of high intelligence. They just see it as part of who they are.

9) Continuous learners

Above all, highly intelligent women are constant learners. They understand that learning does not stop at formal education. For them, every day is an opportunity to learn something new and grow as an individual.

They are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone to acquire new skills or knowledge. They are open to challenging their current beliefs and are always looking for new perspectives.

This insatiable hunger for learning, this desire to constantly evolve and improve, is perhaps the most important indicator of high intelligence.

And often they exhibit this behavior without even realizing its significance.

Final thoughts: It’s about embracing complexity

The essence of human intelligence is beautifully complex and multifaceted. It’s not just about cognitive skills or academic performance; it extends to emotional understanding, adaptability, curiosity, empathy and a never-ending thirst for knowledge.

These traits, often displayed by highly intelligent women, are not always recognized for what they truly represent. They can be seen as quirks or idiosyncrasies, when in fact they are clear indicators of high intelligence.

Whether it is the woman who finds comfort in her loneliness, the one who devours books like there is no tomorrow or the empathetic listener who makes you feel seen and understood – these are all expressions of intelligence.

So the next time you encounter a woman who exhibits this behavior, take a moment to appreciate the depth and complexity of her intelligence. If you are one of these women, understand that these traits are more than just habits or personality traits; they are a testament to your intellectual prowess.

Ultimately, intelligence is a journey of continuous learning and growth. It’s about embracing our complexity, questioning our environment and striving to understand the world around us. It is this pursuit of knowledge and understanding that makes us not only intelligent but truly human.